Godrej Electrical & Electronics offers ControlAir IFC Systems, which have proved their effectiveness in saving energy in air compressors and improving performance of pneumatic equipment.
The fluctuating air pressure is the major problem faced by industries caused due to intermittent use of the several pneumatic equipment. It begins with the sudden air demand pulling down the pressure at the point of use. The air compressors get to know about it when this air demand travels to the upstream generation side through the distribution network. Control mechanism of the air compressor then starts delivering compressed air in the form of load/unload or variable frequency drive (VFD) compressor. Practically it takes a while for the entire air system to fill up to the required pressure. Thus, the compressor operators maintain higher level of pressure in the air system to minimize the lag in the response time between demand and supply to sustain a sudden demand. Thus, more compressors are needed to meet this artificial demand causing wastage of compressed air and leading to an energy inefficient system translating into high-energy bills!
ControlAir Intelligent Flow Controller (IFC) controls the air flow and pressure being delivered to the plant. It operates at the intermediate point of the compressed air system, i.e. on the downstream of Dryers/Receivers and upstream of main piping distribution system.
ControlAir IFC creates useful storage, which isolates compressors from demand side peak and trough to provide a stable air supply at optimum pressure. It monitors demand side rate of change of pressure and releases only required amount of storage air to satisfy the peak demand instead of starting additional compressors. Thus, reduction in mass of air and reduction in load period of compressors leads to energy savings.
We have 4000+ installations of Godrej ControlAiR™ IFC (Compressed air Upstream controller/ Downstream controller) worldwide. We have received National Award from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for Godrej ControlAiR™ IFC as "Innovative Energy Saving Product"
Benefits of ControlAir IFC Systems:
Energy saving from 4% to 25%
Simple payback period within 1 to 2 years
Creates useful storage in the compressed air system
Increases the response time of the system to meet instantaneous demand
Constant air pressure to pneumatic tools; Reduction in artificial demand
Reduction in compressed air leaks
Reduction in compressor's operation & maintenance cost.
Features of ControlAir IFC Systems:
Digital electronic Closed Loop Feedback control with microprocessor provides constant downstream or upstream pressure within +1 psig (0.07 bar).
Microprocessor menu structure provides password protections & configurable parameters.
Fail Safe operation with fail-to-open flow control modules & additional automatic bypass.
Pressure drop across IFC System is less than 1 psig/0.07 bar at nominal rated flow.
Built-in filters & air dryer with automatic condensate drain for instrument quality pilot air.
Inlet & Outlet headers provided with No-Air Loss condensate drains operated through microprocessors.
Upstream & downstream flow control systems are available as per systems requirements.